Configuring a VM using Ansible via the OCI Bastion Service

In my previous post I wrote about the creation of a Bastion Service using Terraform. As I’m incredibly lazy I prefer to configure the system pointed at by my Bastion Session with a configuration management tool. If you followed my blog for a bit you might suspect that I’ll use Ansible for that purpose. Of course I do! The question is: how do I configure the VM accessible via a Bastion Session?


Please have a look at my previous post for a description of the resources created. In a nutshell the Terraform code creates a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). There is only one private subnet in the VCN. A small VM without direct access to the Internet resides in the private subet. Another set of Terraform code creates a bastion session allowing me to connect to the VM.

I wrote this post on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using ansible 4.8/ansible-core 2.11.6 by the way. From what I can tell these were current at the time of writing.

Connecting to the VM via a Bastion Session

The answer to “how does one connect to a VM via a Bastion Session?” isn’t terribly difficult once you know how to. The clue to my solution is with the SSH connection string as shown by the Terraform output variable. It prints the contents of oci_bastion_session.demo_bastionsession.ssh_metadata.command

$ terraform output
connection_details = "ssh -i <privateKey> -o ProxyCommand=\"ssh -i <privateKey> -W %h:%p -p 22\" -p 22 opc@"

If I can connect to the VM via SSH I surely can do so via Ansible. As per the screen output above you can see that the connection to the VM relies on a proxy in form of the bastion session. See man 5 ssh_config for details. Make sure to provide the correct SSH keys in both locations as specified in the Terraform code. I like to think of the proxy session as a Jump Host to my private VM (its internal IP is And yes, I am aware of alternative options to SSH, the one shown above however is the most compatible (to my knowledge).

Creating an Ansible Inventory and running a playbook

Even though it’s not the most flexible option I’m a great fan of using Ansible inventories. The use of an inventory saves me from typing a bunch of options on the command line.

Translating the Terraform output into the inventory format, this is what worked for me:

privateinst ansible_host= ansible_user=opc ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ProxyCommand="ssh -i ~/.oci/oci_rsa -W %h:%p -p 22"'

Let’s run some Ansible code! Consider this playbook:

- hosts: blogpost
  - name: say hello
      msg: hello from {{ ansible_hostname }}

With the inventory set, it’s now possible to run the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -vi inventory.ini blogpost.yml 
Using /tmp/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [blogpost] *********************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************************
ok: [privateinst]

TASK [say hello] ********************************************************************************************************
ok: [privateinst] => {}


hello from privateinst

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************
privateinst                : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The playbook is of course very simple, but it can be easily extended. The tricky bit was establishing the connection, once the connection is established the sky is the limit!

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